Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Doing Stuff is for Quitters" is born!

Well, welcome to our new blog! I bet you're wondering what it's about... let me give a little introduction in QandA form:

Q. Who are you?
A. Well, my name is Breanne, and my fiance is Brian (he will probably make a post or two on occasion as well). We are a couple of 20 somethings living in Ann Arbor Michigan. We're extra nerdy, and prone to dorkiness. We also have a cat named Gojira. We'll flesh out our bios more later, but since we're pretty average folk I think that's enough to be getting on with.

Q. What will you be writing about?
A. Life, the universe, everything... no not really. We are in the throes of a very exciting time in life. Finishing school, working, getting married, and buying our first home! This last item is what spawned this blog.

We just moved in to our first home a few weeks ago. And though it's already amazing, we have so many projects and plans for this place! I got addicted to reading house blogs and decided with everything we have going on, it would be a nice place to keep a log of our life, projects, ideas, and adventures in being adults; mostly house stuff though.

Q. What does your blog title even mean? You realize it makes no sense right?
A. Oh, but it makes so much sense! To us anyway. Several years ago I complained to Brian that we were doing too much sitting around 'Let's go out and do stuff!' I said. In response he quipped: 'Doing stuff is for quitters'.

After my brain finished leaking out my ears I started laughing. And it stuck, and is now a favorite inside joke. When I was trying to decide what to call this thing, I thought of that and instantly knew it was perfect.

Well, that's why we're here! If you've stumbled across this page I hope you enjoy it! Or at the very least helps kill some time.

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