Friday, June 24, 2011

Am I the only brat?

Here follows a confession followed by overly mushy crap. You have been warned.

So, I woke up this morning toooootally on the wrong side of the bed. Just a bland mass of simmering rage. After my shower (where I forgot to unwrap my new all-natural soap that smells like breakfast) I had to pick out something to wear, and that's where it just got bad.

I gained some weight about 1-2 years ago. About 30 pounds of weight actually. Well I lost it again (and then some!) pretty quickly last summer and have had no trouble keeping it off. BUT most of my clothes just don't fit right. Sometimes this makes for a cranky Bre in the morning. I have bought some new clothes, but I still can't find jeans that fit, and old favorites now look like poo. So this took my simmering rage, and turned it up to full boil. I was being a major, huffy, BRAT. So I was grumping around this morning, left in a huff, proceeded to insult at my car who's windshield wipers broke again (mechanic guy who apparently didn't fix them right, you'll be hearing from me!), etc. It was not a mood I would recommend for any young lady with a shred of dignity.

Well, all the time that I'm in this funk and behaving like I'm 4, Brian is just being sweet as ever. And when I got to work, he had posted this video on my facebook:

I had to run to the bathroom because the sweetness of it all made me tear up. Even when I'm undeserving of it, he's the best. Yes I called him to let him know that.

My mood being in much better shape, I've been thinking about how lucky I am. We haven't gotten to spend any time together lately because of work schedules, and that has been draining. But he's still as wonderful as ever, no matter what I do, which I don't deserve.

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